
Design and performance test of high-precision magnetoresistive magnetometer for space applications

  • 摘要: 文章基于磁阻磁强计的工作原理,提出了高精度磁阻磁强计三分量探头和电子电路设计方案:改进磁强计三分量探头结构,以消除三分量磁畴间的相互干扰所引起的测量误差;采用交流耦合和闭环控制工作模式,以消除磁畴排列紊乱带来的影响,稳定磁强计的工作状态。关键性能指标的测试结果表明,磁阻磁强计在1 Hz点处的频谱噪声达到38 pT/√Hz,其噪声性能显著提高。另外,该磁阻磁强计采用微型化结构设计,便于安装,满足微小卫星的空间磁场探测的需求。


    Abstract: Based on the working principle of the magnetometer, a new magnetoresistive magnetometer is designed for improving its noise performance, with improved magnetometer probe structure and the mode of AC-coupled and closed loop to eliminate the impact of the randomly oriented magnetic domains and to stabilize circuit working state. The test results for the key performance show that the noise power spectral density at 1 Hz is 38 pT/√Hz. In addition, the magnetoresistive magnetometer has a small size and a light weight, so it is easy to install, and it can especially meet the requirements of small satellites.


