A dynamic magnetic interference processing technology for drive mechanism

  • 摘要: 空间磁场探测器在工作过程中会受到附近其他设备的磁干扰,影响磁场探测精度。文章通过对磁场探测器工作环境的干扰分析,并利用地面设备模拟磁干扰源进行评价试验。文章使用小波分析方法对磁场探测器的测量数据进行处理,评估驱动机构的电机工作时对磁场探测器的测量影响。磁场探测器通过多探头配置及在轨标定和数据处理等方法,可以对平台的静态剩磁及动态磁干扰进行有效处理。


    Abstract: The efficiency of a spaceborne magnetometer is affected by various kinds of interference on the satellite platform. A high-precision detector for the space magnetic field detection is used to evaluate the magnetic disturbance, produced by some drive mechanisms of ground simulated devices in a complex background environment. Magnetic field measurement data are processed by using the wavelet analysis method. With a multi-probe configuration, the calibration on orbit and the data processing method, the space magnetic field detector can effectively remove the static remanence of the platform and the dynamic magnetic disturbance.


