
Applications of ZigBee wireless network in aerospace domain

  • 摘要: 文章概要介绍基于ZigBee的无线网络的研究现状,结合其应用优势,通过仿真分析指出:在航天器应用环境下,当网络工作在信标使能模式时,若网络中存在多个节点或者网络负载很大,则会造成大量的碰撞和重传,使得网络的吞吐量急剧下降;而当网络工作在非信标使能模式时,不会造成大量的碰撞和重传,网络性能优于信标使能模式。文章还对基于ZigBee的无线网络在多址接入和组网、共存和互联互通、应急通信和机动配置方面的航天应用研究前景进行了展望。


    Abstract: This paper reviews the studies of ZigBee wireless network and makes a simulation analysis to show that the performance of ZigBee in a non-beacon-enable mode is better than that in a beacon-enable mode. In the beacon-enable mode, if there are many nodes transmitting simultaneously or there is a heavy load, a large number of collisions and retransmissions occur, which sharply reduces the network throughput. On the other hand, in the non-beacon-enable mode, there are less collisions and retransmissions, which leads to a better performance. The possible applications of ZigBee in aerospace with respects to multiple access and networking, coexistence and connectivity, emergency communication and dynamic configuration, etc., are discussed


