The drafting of ISO standard for “Space systems-Acoustic testing”
摘要: 标准国际化是助推中国航天国际化发展战略转型重要途径。针对航天器声试验技术成果,通过积极推动其向国际标准转化,最终使其立项并成为ISO 19924《空间系统——声试验》的国际标准。该标准是在航天器环境试验领域首个由中国发起、起草和主导的国际标准。文章将介绍声试验技术成果向国际标准转化的过程和方法,以分享经验,为我国积极参与国际标准化活动,提高标准国际化水平提供借鉴。Abstract: China takes an active part in the draft of international standards for space industry. A new item for “Space systems-Acoustic testing” was approved as an ISO standard (No.19924) in 2014, which was deemed as the first ISO standard for environment testing drafted by China. This paper shows how to formulate the standard based on the acoustic testing researches, to share some experience in the cooperation on international standards and their improvement in quality.