A single event effect monitoring system for microcontroller
摘要: 为验证航天器用微控制器的抗单粒子效应能力,设计了一种单粒子效应在轨监测系统。该系统采用独特的方法,可实时监测单粒子锁定事件,并利用微控制器内部程序监测其RAM及FLASH存储器的单粒子翻转事件。该系统占用航天器资源少、开发周期短,能同时监测多种、多片微控制器,具有一定的通用性。Abstract: Space radiation will lead to single event effects of the microcontrollers in electronic devices. This paper develops a new type of on-orbit single event effect monitoring system for microcontrollers. This system can monitor the single event latch up and detect the single event upset in the RAM and FLASH memories by a program embedded in the microcontrollers. This system could test different kinds of microcontrollers at the same time with fewer resources. The technology and methods are shown to be practical in spaceflight.