
Current state of art and suggestions about noise evaluation and control for the space station

  • 摘要: 空间站舱内噪声对航天员危害严重,必须对其进行严格控制。文章首先分析了适用于空间站噪声评价的指标以及主要噪声源特点;总结了空间站的噪声预测方法和不同方法适用的频率范围、局限性;介绍了国际空间站的降噪工作,总结了其中的经验和不足;最后结合我国空间站噪声控制的研究现状,对我国空间站降噪工作提出了建议:降噪工作必须贯穿空间站设计、制造和在轨工作的整个过程,才能对噪声进行有效控制。


    Abstract: The noise inside the space station should be under a strict control for its negative effects on the crew. The noise source and the evaluation criterion of the noise are discussed in this paper. Different noise prediction methods are reviewed, including studies at home and abroad, with emphasis on their merits and demerits. Some suggestions on the noise control are given, which should be considered throughout the whole life of the space station from the very beginning of design and the noise monitoring must be taken into account at the same time.


