
A method of non-contact ultrasonic leak detection

  • 摘要: 非接触式超声泄漏检测方法在国外已应用于载人航天器在轨检漏。文章基于气体泄漏超声产生机理及声压与泄漏量的关系,搭建了一套超声泄漏检测系统,研究了泄漏判断及漏孔评估算法,并进行了综合试验测试。结果表明,该方法能有效地对泄漏是否发生进行判断,并可粗略评估泄漏量的大小和漏孔直径,为我国空间站密封舱在轨泄漏检测提供参考。


    Abstract: This paper proposes a method of non-contact ultrasonic leak detection, and builds a system of ultrasonic leak testing based on the principle of gas leak ultrasonic generation and the relation between the sound level and the leakage. An algorithm is developed for the leak testing and several experimental tests are carried out. It is shown that this method can determine whether a leak event occurs and give a leakage amount approximately, which may provide a reference for on-orbit leak detection of the sealed cabin of China's space station.


