
Interface safety control in satellite overall checkout

  • 摘要: 安全控制是小卫星综合测试的重要任务之一,主要包括卫星与地面接口及卫星本身设备间接口逻辑安全控制。文章详细介绍了测试中的安全控制措施,包括供电和接地、电缆检查、功率标定、入口电平控制、关键工序制定等措施。这些安全控制措施有效可行,可靠地保证了人员、卫星和地面设备安全,确保了综合测试质量。


    Abstract: In the overall control of a small satellite, including the interface logic control between the satellite and the ground or between different units of the satellite, the safety control is an important issue. This paper discusses the related safety control measures, such as through power supply and grounding, cable examination, power scaling, input signal leveling, as well as key process establishment and implementation. It is shown that these measures can effectively ensure the safety of personnel, satellite products and MGSE, which helps to improve the checkout test quality.


